The Impact of Fred’s Team

Fred’s Team is the official running program for MSK. Since 1995, Fred’s Team runners have raised $[msk_total_short_formatted] for cancer research at MSK.
Five people in orange T-shirts that say “Fred’s Team” walk down a city street, arms around one another, during a race.

Imagine a world without cancer

100% of every dollar raised through Fred’s Team goes directly to research and clinical trials at MSK.  

MSK’s world-leading expertise

MSK is home to clinical experts in more than 400 types of cancer. The specialized care that MSK provides truly makes a difference for people with cancer. 

Runners choose what to support

Fred’s Team gives runners the ability to choose which cancer type or area of research to support with their fundraising dollars.  

A person in a white MSK lab coat stands, smiling, with his arms crossed over his chest.

Nearly 2,000 clinical trials are underway at MSK at a given time, and this level of innovation and progress wouldn’t be possible without support from Fred’s Team.

–Luis Diaz Jr., MD MSK physician-scientist

Meet Liz

Liz completed the 2023 TCS New York City Marathon with Fred’s Team — while she was being treated at MSK for stage 4 colon cancer. Watch her incredible story, showing the power of community.
Support more breakthroughs and help us imagine a world without cancer

The Aubrey Fund for Pediatric Cancer Research

Since 1997, Fred’s Team has raised more than $35 million for the Aubrey Fund, which is named after Fred’s Team runner and pediatric cancer survivor Aubrey Barr.
This initiative provides essential support to MSK Kids and funds groundbreaking therapies, advanced research, and next-generation treatment options for the youngest cancer patients.

You make an impact that goes far beyond the finish line

When you run with Fred’s Team, you decide where the money you raise goes. 100% of every dollar fuels the work of MSK doctors and scientists who are world-leading experts in the cancer type or area of research you choose. Learn more about some of the research areas supported by Fred’s Team runners.

Driving progress together
Driving progress together

By funding MSK’s greatest needs, Fred’s Team runners empower clinical and research leaders to quickly bring resources to priority initiatives that have transformative potential, ensuring that every dollar makes an impact, fast.

Building brighter futures
Building brighter futures

MSK Kids sees more children and young adults with cancer than any other pediatric program in the country. With your help, our experts are developing better treatments designed specifically for young people and their unique needs.

Bringing hope for new cures
Bringing hope for new cures

Support from Fred’s Team accelerates advances that benefit people with breast cancer worldwide — from innovations in early detection to new treatments for people with stage 4 disease.

Tackling the toughest questions
Tackling the toughest questions

By 2030, colorectal cancer cases in people under 50 are expected to nearly double. Funding from Fred’s Team is helping MSK researchers answer questions to better understand why, and learn how to reverse this trend.

Join Fred’s Team

There are many great ways to get involved. Learn about our events and other opportunities to make an impact on cancer research at MSK.
Run in an official Fred’s Team event
We offer a limited number of charity entries for the TCS New York City Marathon, United Airlines NYC Half, TCS London Marathon, and BMW Berlin Marathon.
Run in any race with Fred’s Team
Raise money for cancer research at MSK with your next 5K, marathon, triathlon, or any race you have on your calendar. Sign up for your race, then register with Fred’s Team to start fundraising.
Start an online fundraising page
Create a fundraising page to celebrate a special occasion, to give back on your birthday, or for any reason at all! Every dollar you raise will support new breakthroughs in cancer care.  
Know someone running with Fred’s Team? Search for a participant or team to donate directly to their fundraising page, or make a gift to our General Fund in support of pediatric cancer research.
Fred's Team is here to help.
If you have any questions or need help fundraising with Fred’s Team, email us or reach out to your Fred’s Team contact.
Fred’s Team